Minggu, 18 September 2016

tugas bahasa inggris

      Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.....my name is Rinto akbar iam from sanggau ledo bengkayang city,starting this year 2016 i started studying at the faculty of forestry UNTAN.before i had received his college education at the madrasah aliyah negeri model singkawang(MAN MODEL SINGKAWANG) west kalimantan,wen lettended my madrasah still extra curricular activities are volley ball and paskibra.and this day i am still the athletes were volley ball,my position my position as qwuicker because that`s the title of my blog quicker.
      And the reason i entered the faculty of forestry that is because i am interested on forests.espesialy tropical forests in Indonesia,that`s why i joined the fakulty of forestry UNTAN.in edition to these reason,before there is another reason that made me get in the fakulty forestry.
      Actually my future goals is to become a saldier first,after healt cecks at in date 8april 2016,i difonis by doctors as person wit total color blined ness.that`s when the expected future goal small and setah gon home from my djogja SBMPTN in west kalimantan and i received at the faculty of forestry UNTAN.

Thank you very much by Rinto Akbar

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