Selasa, 27 September 2016

task article

     Scorpion venom could assist cancer surgeos 

        A coumpound derived from a toxin in the venom could help doctor diferemiated bet ween healthy and concerous tissue.research conducted by doctor olson jim from seattle,giving a new reference for surgeos who have difficulty classifiying cells in the brain affected by the tumor or are not affected.

article task bing


  Scorpion venom could Assist cancer surgeos

Minggu, 18 September 2016

tugas bahasa inggris

      Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi name is Rinto akbar iam from sanggau ledo bengkayang city,starting this year 2016 i started studying at the faculty of forestry UNTAN.before i had received his college education at the madrasah aliyah negeri model singkawang(MAN MODEL SINGKAWANG) west kalimantan,wen lettended my madrasah still extra curricular activities are volley ball and paskibra.and this day i am still the athletes were volley ball,my position my position as qwuicker because that`s the title of my blog quicker.
      And the reason i entered the faculty of forestry that is because i am interested on forests.espesialy tropical forests in Indonesia,that`s why i joined the fakulty of forestry edition to these reason,before there is another reason that made me get in the fakulty forestry.
      Actually my future goals is to become a saldier first,after healt cecks at in date 8april 2016,i difonis by doctors as person wit total color blined ness.that`s when the expected future goal small and setah gon home from my djogja SBMPTN in west kalimantan and i received at the faculty of forestry UNTAN.

Thank you very much by Rinto Akbar

Jumat, 16 September 2016

         Nama saya rinto akbar hobby saya bermain bola volley dan gambar diatas adalah tim dimana pengalaman saya dimulai dari tim ini...dari tim ini saya mendapat pengalaman yang cukup banyak karena dari tim inilah saya memulai turnamen pertama di Madrasah  saya yaitu di turnamen bola volley MAN MODEL CUP 2013