Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

rekomendasi untuk kota saya

Recommendations will I do in my city
Before I write about the recommendation in my city I will define what it rekomendation.definision recommendation is a form of communication as well as indirect promotion undertaken by consumers who have never purchased product or services then described his experience a variety of related products or services to people others. (Luwis and Harsini: 2010) So that which I recommend to my city is my city with achievement promote me because with an achievement we will be better known in the community environment instance when I was still in school aliyah country or MAN MODEL singkawang I represent the West Kalimantan to atleet volley ball in Surabaya then in a situation like that I indirectly myself already promoting that school MAN was not only clever chant but also clever arguably academic and not academic like sports, not just recommend my city with sport but I also would recommend to the government to immediately build infrastructure buildings such as gyms and other city facilities such as a jogging environmentally friendly and more other.because with such a population will be healthier and the citizens can exercise and created man spiritual.regards healthy physical and sport of me thanks

makanan terakhir

The last meal I ate on earth

Food is the thing that is in need for mankind on this earth but what if the earth no more food and what you are intending to eat ..... but if my personal opinion especially last meal on earth I wanted to eat was soup head goat yaaa one of the typical food of Indonesia goat head soup is one heavy meal classified as food is scarce in Indonesia because the goat head soup is rarely people sell such food stall resto even large although.food goat head soup is typical food from the first I dreamed if I can eat one serving of soup goat head speaking of soup my goat when I went to east Java I've seen people eat soup goat's head sa'm in traded with my mother but my mother forbade since I was a kid so since it I really wanted soup goat head even to this day I was sitting in my university is still my wish, even to this day I still remember the moderate eat soup head goat.infact there was still food I want most from small up to now has not been I eat, that is sad  thanks.

surat untuk saya sepuluh tahun kedepan

Letter to my ten years in the future
Every human being must have a goal to motivate each, one might assume that the next few years should be able to buy something or to be able to achieve its goals each for me personally in my life ten years from now I should be a man who could useful for the community of nations and country.maybe the next ten years of my own out God willing, so I had to be the head of the family is responsible to keep my family and could be a priest good example for my family, not only has my family must also be able to change my life become better and change my mindset, it could be this blog will be seen by my children that can be a motivation for my children later.letter for me this is my message to myself and Islam for a successful life but without accompainied by religion and taqwa then useless life if only the pursuit of life per se, maybe just the mail message for the life of me in the next ten years I hope by reading this blog will be blessed and blessed by god Almighty, my family later that my family to hold firm Shari'a and one song my message transform and my children are studying pursue the goal of life but do not forget appreciate people who helped you because if people do not help you appreciate and you'll be hard to get help with others.


Karaoke faforit me more than words westlife
In addition to playing volleyball hobby my hobby is also sing karaoke or karaoke because it is a fun activity and can make fres our minds become, so for those comrades who are often upset my girlfriend better suggest you karaoke.satu faforit track me when I was karaoke is Westlife MORE THAN WORDS, yup because this song is one of the songs most attention on he era.song more than words is a track from an album belonging to the two extremes is also one of the 500 best albums roling stone magazine, the Irish boyband, westlife also been brought back with its own version of this song on the album first on year more than words 1999.to uniqueness song itself is accompanied only by an acoustic guitar and be balanced by the distinctive sound of gary Cherone able to spoil our ears with the lyrics of the song are simple, simple but very touching and romantic, moreover, the tone of the song is more than words themselves are easy to sung because its tone is not too high for voice me.mean contained in the song more than words is that love is more than just words of love but quite on the show with action because love is not a noun that is interpreted, but rather a verb that requires action .So for friends who want to express love to your loved ones you can sing more than words.